INFO-ATARI16 Digest Tue, 31 Oct 89 Volume 89 : Issue 589 Today's Topics: CMI update... I got screwed royally... News & stuff... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 1 Nov 89 00:28:18 GMT From:!!uhnix1!uhnix2! (Michael B. Vederman) Subject: CMI update... I got screwed royally... Well, in case you never saw my original posts concerning the CMI accelerator board, to summarize, I couldn't get it to work worth anything, plus my ST got fried in the process. So... They offered to fix any ST damaged from installation for $50... I sent my ST to them (second mistake - first was buying the damn board) over 2 months ago. They called me up and said they couldn't fix it, and were going to send it back to me. That was close to 2 weeks ago, and still no ST or a refund check of $300. Well... I called their number today and guess what - 'The number you have dialed is no longer in service...' So now, CMI has my $300 and my ST!!!! I am fuming mad, and would suggest that if anyone else out there is even considering doing business with this company to completely put it out of your mind!!! I have since contacted my local postal inspector and discussed the matter with him, and since the US Mail was involved, they are extremely interested in following up with mail fraud action... I was hoping to just get my money back, and my ST (albeit it would be broken), but now it looks as though my hopes are completely dashed. BNut, I am sure that involving a federal agency will at least put the screws to these people big time... Total cost to me now, has been - $300 (accl bd) - $500 (1st ST) - $300 (2nd ST) Total cost = $1100 !!!!!! Look slike I got screwed, and I didn't even get kissed first!!! This really hurts, since I don't have much money to begin with, now I have even less... Try to deal with a company and give them the benefit of a doubt... If anyone is close to Tualitin, OR, please let me know. I'd like to hire someone for a small fee to do some dirty work... - mike The opinions expressed are my own, and do not in anyway reflect those of Double Click Software or any other living person... -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Click Me | Double Click Software | P.O. Box 741206 | Houston, Tx, 77274 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Support BBS: (713)944-0108 | SHADOW | DC FORMATTER | DC UTILITIES | and others ------------------------------ Date: 30 OCT 89 11:30:54 CST From: Z4648252 Subject: News & stuff... The following is a bit long but I grabbed this from the Amiga net. Of particular interest are items indicating product delays for all makes of computers and software. See, it is not just Atari having problems on getting products out. Also, be on the look out for an item stating that the Mac laptop is not yet available (????????????). Larry Rymal: |East Texas Atari 68NNNers| Sent: 10/29/89 13:40 Rcvd: 10/29/89 13:40 Number: 4071 To: JBILLS@SFAUSTIN.BITNET From: I-AMIGA Subject: WARNING: Reading this will expose you to some RISC Date: Sun, 29 Oct 89 14:22:13 EST Reply-To: Murph Sewall Sender: Info-Amiga List Comments: Warning -- original Sender: tag was I-AMIGA@RUTVM1 From: Murph Sewall X-To: INFO-MICRO@SIMTEL20.ARPA, Apple 2 Newslist , INFO-MAC@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU, INFO-IBMPC@SIMTEL20.ARPA, Bob Church , HAUGE@VLSI.JPL.NASA.GOV, MACMAN@CZHETH5A.BITNET, Jim Frost , NETOPRMS@NCSUVM.BITNET,, wb1j+@Andrew.CMU.Edu, 27313853@WSUVM1.BITNET To: Jim Bills , Larry Rymal , Robert Burks VAPORWARE Murphy Sewall From the November 1989 APPLE PULP H.U.G.E. Apple Club (E. Hartford) News Letter $15/year P.O. Box 18027 East Hartford, CT 06118 Call the "Bit Bucket" (203) 569-8739 Permission granted to copy with the above citation Comdex Fall '89. November is Comdex month. Among the announcements expected are: a bevy of i486 EISA computers, including a system from Grid, the Sharp PC 8000 color laptop (prematurely announced in an accidental press release at PC Expo in Chicago last month), the Zenith 386SX-based color laptop with 1 Mbyte of RAM and VGA graphics listing at $2,995, and several PC HyperCard clones, among them Plus for Presentation Manager from Spinnaker Software. - MacWeek 19 September, PC Week 9 October, and InfoWorld 9 October Merry Christmas From Big Bluegrass. Once again IBM plans a foray into the home market with a line of low-cost home computers starting at $700. Code-named Bluegrass, the line will have two more expensive models and a variety of memory, speed, and hard drive options. - PC Week 9 October SCAT. Chips & Technologies has announced the 82C235 Single Chip AT (SCAT) which will allow manufacturers to build an AT compatible motherboard using as few as 14 components plus memory. The SCAT is available at 8, 10, 12.5 and 16 MHz and can drive up to four expansion slots. The chip will be available in sample quantities this month. - InfoWorld 9 October Apple, Microsoft Font Alliance. Apple and Microsoft have announced a cross-license agreement which gives Microsoft Apple's outline font technology, code-named Royal, for use in the OS/2 Presentation Manager in return for Microsoft's PostScript-clone technology for use in future Apple printers. Rumors of the agreement precipitated a decline in Adobe stock from $23 to a 52-week low of $15 5/8. Adobe announced plans to buy back up to $15 million worth of common stock (about 4.8% of outstanding shares). - InfoWorld 25 September and MacWeek 19 and 26 September Widening and Extending the Micro Channel. IBM announced that later this year they will make public technical specifications on how board makers and MCA system manufacturers can quadruple the current 20 Mbyte per second transfer rate. Entry Systems vice president Robert Carberry emphasized that the specifications are not a change in the MCA architecture. IBM also announced plans to extend the Micro Channel beyond PS/2s to scientific workstations and select System/370 mainframes. - PC Week 2 October and InfoWorld 2 October HP's EISA i486 Tower. Hewlett-Packard has announced the Vectra 486 PC, a tower-style PC based on Micro Channel rival Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA), for shipment in January. The 25 MHz computer offers hard disks ranging in size from 84 Mbytes to 670 Mbytes with announced prices of less than $14,000 to around $17,000. - PC Week 16 October Second Generation RISC Chip. Although operating system problems have delayed the announcement of IBM's new RT-3 line (see the September and October columns), Big Blue has officially divulged details of their new, second generation RISC processor in three technical papers presented at last month's IEEE conference in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Among other attributes, the new chip is able to execute multiple instructions simultaneously, a capability critical to multiprocessing. - PC Week 16 October RISC Workstation Running OS/2. Microsoft and DEC are said to have the OS/2 kernel up and running on a workstation built around the Motorola 88000 RISC CPU. - PC Week 9 October Intel i960 Doubles RISC Performance. Intel has announced the 32-bit i960 RISC chip which is capable of 66 MIPS at it's 33 MHz clock speed (two instructions per cycle and nearly four times as fast as the 33 MHz i486). The i960 was developed for real-time and embedded systems applications and can increase the speed of page publishing printers by as much as six times. According to Intel the i960 will be available in the second quarter of 1990. - InfoWorld 18 September Open Systems Foundation Switches to Mach. The Open Systems Foundation has told its members that it may swap out the IBM AIX kernel from its operating system and replace it with Carnegie Mellon University's Mach. The reason for the move is the superior multiprocessing capability and security of Mach. Industry analysts doubt that OSF/1 can meet the announced July 1990 availability date after such a dramatic change in the operating system's contents. - InfoWorld 2 October What NeXT? Although more than 50 vendors have announced plans to introduce products for Steve Job's NeXT computer, only a handful will be available by the end of this year. Graphics and publishing professionals are eagerly awaiting a color display, but Steve Jobs has indicated that one won't be available until NeXT, er next, year. NeXT plans to by-pass eight-bit color and introduce a full 32-bit color display. In order to assure adequate performance, the company is developing a custom video chip and accelerator for manipulating 24-bit color images. - NeXTWeek 19 October IIgs Laptop. Although the LapMac finally has been announced, it may be several months before it is readily available. Rumor has it that Apple has a project code-named "Malibu" to use the matrix display and battery pack developed for the LapMac in a laptop IIgs. It would be nice if they'd sell the display all by itself for all those //c owners who have never had a monitor as portable as their computer. - Thanks to Lynda Botez for passing this along from the Cupertino NewsNet Splashy Product Rollout Scheduled for March. Apple has booked the hall for a major product announcement in March. Details of exactly what's planned remain sketchy, but the best guess at this point is that it will be the long rumored Mac-Tower and a new family of QuickDraw laser printers. - MacWeek 3 October Better Laptop Battery. Moltech Corporation is developing a new battery for laptop and notebook computers that will have five times greater storage capacity than current nickel-cadmium or lead-acid batteries. The new "thin-film" batteries use solid polymer electrolytes. Polymer batteries also are less expensive to manufacture, but they are likely to be sold for higher prices initially because of their reduced size and weight and increased usable lifetime. - Random Access 23 September 3-D, Full-Color Animation. Electic Image is set to ship Spotlight, a 32-bit color 3-D rendering and animation program, in January 1990. The $7,495 program requires a Mac II family computer with a minimum of 2 Mbytes of RAM and a large capacity hard disk or optical storage system. Spotlight brings broadcast quality 3-D animation to the Macintosh. - MacWeek 3 October Cache a Faster Mac IIci. Apple plans to announce a cache board for the Macintosh IIci later this year. One already is available from Daystar Digital for $995. The board produces an up to 40% increase in speed according to Andrew Lewis, president of Daystar. Mr Lewis also said that cache boards increase speed less expensively than accelerator boards. Daystar makes 33, 40, and 50 MHz accelerators for the Mac II and IIcx, and is expected to announce accelerators for the IIci by the time this column appears in print. - InfoWorld 2 October Serious Video Game. Nintendo plans to start an online financial service to be run by Fidelity Investments of Boston. The service will use a standard Nintendo game unit as a terminal. Software and hardware for connecting to a telephone line are due in 1990. - Random Access 14 October But Will It Bag 'Em? Prodigy, the telecommunications joint venture between IBM and Sears, is test marketing grocery shopping by telecomputing in three cities. Prodigy expects its basic service to be available to 40% of American homes by the end of this year. - Random Access 14 October Macintosh System 7.0 On-Schedule? Apple executives are cautiously optimistic about progress on the announced new Macintosh operating system software. Last May, Apple indicated developers would begin receiving seed modules of the new system in the fall. Ed Birss, Apple vice president of product engineering, now says "Developers will begin getting code before the end of the year." Apple had planned on shipping System 7.0 in the first quarter of 1990, but officials now acknowledge that not all of the core technologies announced last spring will be ready to ship at the same time. One problem which remains to be dealt with is the system's size. Developers recently assembled and linked an alpha version and consumed 1.2 Mbytes! - MacWeek 3 October and InfoWorld 9 October Word For Windows. Microsoft has not announced nor shown developers its Windows version of Word, but those who have seen the beta software say that it is an entirely new product with more differences than similarities to the DOS product. - InfoWorld 2 October Deja Vu. The vast delay between the originally announced release and delivery dates of Microsoft's Windows brought the word "vaporware" out of the realm of jargon and into general use. Hence, it should be no surprise that Microsoft cannot ship Windows 3.0 (see last February's and July's columns) by year's end as originally planned. "Immature source code" and the lack of a full set of device drivers will keep Windows 3.0 at home in Redmond until March or later. When the program finally is available, users will find that many of their Windows 2.1 applications will not run in protected mode; while those applications can run in real mode, they will be restricted to 640K. An obvious problem is that both Lotus 1-2-3 Version 3 and dBase IV rely on Rational Systems' DOS extender, but Windows 3.0 will be ir-Rational. - PC Week 17 September and 16 October and InfoWorld 16 October dBase for Windows. Two versions of dBase IV for Windows have been shown to developers in recent months. Ashton-Tate programmers are working on a "core program" that can be rapidly ported to a wide range of environments including Windows, X Window, Motif, Presentation Manager, and Macintosh. - InfoWorld 16 October Lotus 1-2-3 Update. The graphic 1-2-3/G for the Presentation Manager (see last August's column) now has a scheduled delivery date of 23 March 1990. Macintosh 1-2-3 is slated for March 1991. - PC Week 16 October Plans for Excel. Microsoft's product manager for Excel, Susanne Foels, said the next version of Excel will permit users to mix graphics and worksheets on the same page and also will contain three dimensional charting. - InfoWorld 16 October ___________________________________________________________ (????) / \ ( 0 0 ) | (Prof) Murph Sewall | (| > |) ___/ Marketing Department | ( \__/ ) <___ School of Business ...psuvax1!uconnvm.bitnet!sewall | (____) \_ U. of Connecticut *standard disclaimer applies* / \__________________________________________________________/ (This .sig "borrowed" from Johnson Earls Thanx!) "Studies show 80 percent of all Americans know about home computers. That's higher than the percentage of Americans who know about sex." ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Nov 89 00:05:41 +0100 From: guvaxin! (Rudi V. Drunen ) INDEX PROG-A16 INDEX INFO-A16 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Nov 89 00:06:53 +0100 From: guvaxin! (Rudi V. Drunen ) INDEX INFO-A16 INDEX PROG-A16 ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #589 ***************************************** =========================================================================